Sunday, June 17, 2007

In my opinion..

Was doing OT yesterday in another pharmacy in a classy shopping centre and I muz say the crowd there are nice, polite pple... even this annoying lady who gave me her opinion abt medicine.

Well, at first she asked for some flu med which i gladly dispensed and then she requested for Elomet cream. Well.. unfortuately here in Singapore, Elomet cr cant be sold without a prescription. So I politely told her "Sorry, no script, no cream." Offered her hydrocortisone cr which shd do the trick for her condition but oh no, Im too high class to use a steriod so common and mild.

Then she starts giving me her opinion on how she believes that only oral medicine that can kill needs a prescription and yada yada blah blah... She sort of stood there for a minute in silence after her little speech, I guessed she was hoping that i would break the law for her but I juz smiled sweetly at her.. My thoughts: Try harder

By the by, I too hav some opinions abt :

In My Opinion:

  1. All idiots shd be let out of their house ONLY after 6.30pm, the time when Im off duty.
  2. All medicine should NOT require a script so that dumb pple and smart alex can take whatever they wan ..... and prove themselves wrong.
  3. All cheapoes shd carry a tag, identifying themselves in order to prevent any misunderstandings.
  4. An extra charge shd be mandatory imposed on pple who ignored me initially when help is being offered and approached me later when Im busy.
  5. A large poster shd be placed outside the pharmacy: STUPID QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.

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