I really want to know the answer to the question up there...
The thing abt allergies is that one cant tell... and when i say one cant tell, i meant that the pharmacist CANNOT tell you whether YOU are allergic to this particular medicine or not, if u hav nvr taken it b4 in ur entire lifetime. You, however, would have the answer tho.. or at least in the near future. Its not really my fault when I wun be able to tell you if this medicine will close up ur airways and potentially shut u up forever. I dun really hav an allergic test kit that comes with every medicine on the shelves nor a crystal ball that comes with every operating pharmacy... All i hav are my references like MIMS, Mantindale and DIH and I cant seem to find a sentence in red in any of them stating: Caution, Mr Jackass is allergic to this, refrain fr dispensing. All I can tell you is that drug allergies are for ME to KNOW and YOU to FIND OUT.
So shoo.. go and find out. Do u even know how ridiculously stupid u sound when u asked me: Will this medicine cause allergies? Especially when its an antihistamine, a medicine for allergies. (u really got me there) Or when u tell me u r allergic to this becos u get gastric after takin it. Or when u insist that i give u something mild becos u r allergic to strong medicine... duh... At this point of time, i can only tell u that i am allergic to u becos i can almost feel my throat closing up and my brain is going to the state of comatose due to the lack of intelligence contact...
I tink the best answer a pharmacist can get to the question of allergies would be: I know Im allergic to something but I forgot what is that. Well, in that case, I hope the medicine u r about to take can refresh ur memory.
Btw, if u do get an allergy reaction, irregardless of whether if its juz a simple rash that covers u fr head to toe or the worst kind like an anaphylactic shock, sad to inform u that neither the pharmacist nor the doctor will be responsible unless u hav specifically told us that u r allergic to the medicine we gave you b4 hand. Hah, in your FACE!
So rem the next time when a healthcare professional ask u if u r allergic to anything, it means we are interested in knowing if u r allergic to any MEDICINE and we dun give a damn abt ur mother's cat and the best answer to that question if u hav none, would be: Not that I know of.
I rest my case.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
What type of customer are YOU?
Basically, there are several types of customers here in my little pharmacy:
- The Proud: think they know everything and when u try to tell them they are wrong, they go huh huh huh really arh???, almost like a little song you sing to the pharmacist. Dun believe me, dun ask me lah..
- The Ignorant: Dunno what they are looking for, dunno which 1 they wan, dunno the name of the med, the only thing they know are details that i dun give a damn. Like color of the tab is white, the cream is in the tube like a toothpaste, all this means shit in the bowl to me... FYI Im going to suggest the Singapore Dental Society to change the package of all toothpaste to pumps b4 pple start brushin their teeth with hydrocortisone..
- The Rusher: Grab the med fr my hand before i can explain the dosage and splint to the cashier... fine with me if u dun wan to hear me out but dun blame me later when u ate the suppository that meant for ur asshole, asshole..
- The Hard of Hearings: This is the second time u explain to them and they still ask you the exact same questions 2 more times.. They are not old and seem normal.... worst of this kind would be the ones who turn the table around and accuse you of confusing them. Apply 4 times a day, best time to do so would be at night = apply only once at night. Pls Im here to teach u how to use this cream, not english comprehension.
- The Illiterate: If u noe that u hav nvr step into a school in ur entire lifetime and u r not planning to do so either, could u bring something along that can help me to identity the medicine u want to buy? and when i instruct u to do so next time after spending 1/2 hr showing u everything, u get pissed at me and start telling me ur life story of how u noe nuts abt A,B,C , like its my fault that u r what u r now.. I think its time that u go to school and learn how to respect others and be polite for a change.
- The Cheapos: They are the siblings of So & So who are friends with pharmacist X and they expect discount in EVERY pharmacy branch. They are demandin and SHAMELESS... Hey, I dun owe u a living, u noe!! U wan to know why u dun get a discount in MY SHOP? Becos u dun deserve it.
- The Big Shots: They expect you to be in for them all the whole time and they are always in a rush... I cant go out for lunch, I cant go to the toilet, I cant take a break.. Even God have a day off and u expect me to be here on Sunday juz to dispense chlorpheniramine to you? If so, u can hav my job.
- The Asker: U ask and u ask, u enquire and u enquire but u never seem to purchase anything. Do U think im here to entertain you? I hav tonnes of mind numbing paper work to do and a few ass to kick, further more, u look like a pig. So get out of here before i slaughter u for lunch.
Well, thats pretty much for now.. So think abt it, which type are you?
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