I have not been writing for some time now becos there are so many things I have to do and nothing interesting's worth mentioning. However, something I least expected happened to me and furious pharmacist (my veri good fren) tonight.
We're walking, we're walking, we walking down the street. Juz stoppin in front of the traffic lights in front of one of the many roads in Orchard today, furious commented: "Wah, red light already and still pple are crossing" and at that very minute, a man who was crossing the road, hit his hand on the side mirror of a cab while its turning left into another road. I muz say He was ANGRY... He immediately knocked on the cab's window and opened the door, demanding the reason for knocking him...
Let's call this man : Ah mean. Well, first of all, our dear Ah mean was still crossing the road when the traffic lights are already red. Second of all, the reason why he hit his hand onto the cab's side mirror was becos his arms are swinging like all normal humans do in order to keep our balance while walking. He might be swinging slightly a bit more becos of what his name sounds like... So its not really the cabby's fault becos he swung his own hand into the side mirror. Lastly, Ah mean, like his name suggested, is really mean. He opened the cab's door and demanded the cabby to come out in the middle of the junction. Btw that time, Me and furious has already crossed the road but something stops us from continuing our veri impt journey of stuffing our tummies with sushi.
Maybe its the many memories of yelling unreasonable customers came screaming into our minds at that very minute or maybe for once, we want to stand up and defend someone, irregardless that this is probably none of our damn business..
So, we crossed the busy road yet again and came forward to cabby uncle and told him what we saw. By this time, dear ah mean has already called the police, whom i think he was pretty sure that the cabby is in deep shit til we showed up... So.. he turned his anger on us... 2 girls...
Furious, unlike her nickname, was very calm and tried to talk some sense into Ah mean's very limited brain cells through his thick skull..
"Sir look, its red light when u crossed so its not the cab's fault in the first place.. "
However, oblivious to any form of reasoning, he screamed : "Look, look, EVERYONE is crossing the road now even though its red lights now!!"
"So what if every1 is crossin in red lights? This doesnt mean its right, its still WRONG!!" I screamed at him... (Dunno wat came over me)
Then he started his nonsense abt if he has a camera and he will take shots of the cab and lights and whatever... and make us pay.. well, i didnt really catch that probably of all the fume streaming out of my ears and furious was confused abt the paying part..
and then he start saying that dun let him catch us crossin the road in red lights, dun try to FOOL him... which, i retaliated.. screaming at him that we wun cross the road in red lights (a big fat lie) and we wun try to fool anyone.. only he is fooling himself..
Well, that certainly shut him up..
Seriously speaking, i dun noe where i got all this courage... screaming my head off at a stranger is really not something i tot i would do. I was a timid child while growing up. Talkin to teachers would make me nervous, walking into an empty shop alone is something i wun do unless necessary even til now, let alone standing up for some1 i dunno and screaming reasons at a angry unreasonable man.
But i was mad, really mad and not becos of who or why but becos of what this stands for, what this means to me.
It means standing up for something that i think and knows im right. It means I make a difference in someone's life irregardless of how insignificant it may be. It means that I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight without thinkin what will happen to the cabby uncle if he is wronged by that asshole. It means standing up for justice. And I feel im on the top of the world now, so will my furious fren, who has also endured the many many torturous encounters with difficult, crazy, freakly, unreasonable and the most troublesome customers of all: the impotences.
Well, the little petty misunderstanding ended when the police finally came and took our statements. Despite we over heard that ah mean may press charges, but who cares? We will still say the truth abt what we saw.
Now, the media has always protrayed us pharmacists as goofy, nerdly people who hide inside our cave-like-pharmacies. Or the pathetic murderer who kills in order to keep the one he loved as in some housewifes show. Or in most public's opinion, the paranoidal man/lady in the white coat, wasting ur previous time juz to check the prescription with ur doctor for ur sleeping pills which is written in a different colored ink from the rest of ur other medicines.
Well, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell u this. We are all stepping out to show u there's more than meets the eye for us, THE PHARMACISTS. We are actually saving ur ass and ur doctor's ass when we call to check ur script. We spent way too much time studying abt the use of medicine to even bother abt ur hair color when u asked me which hair dye will give a darker black. We have far more important counselling to do than to explain the crap to u that u cant buy POM without a prescription, irregardless ur dog ate the script or u, ur mother, father or grand parents lost it or u left it in the cab, u broke the med bottle or whatever smart alex excuses u manged to come up with. We deserve a thank you from u doctors whenever we called ur clinic and tells you that u hav left out the strength of the medicine or the duration of the treatment or to clarify the number of repeats which u so conveniently forget to write for ur sexual derived patients . We deserve some appreciation when we called to check whether u mean diltiazem or diazepam when u wrote diltizepam and not "Juz give *******."
So next time, when u are irritated becos we called and interrupted ur little afternoon nap in the clinic or u juz want to vent ur anger on someone juz becos u cant get ur prescribed aphrodisiac, stay clear of the pharmacist's way cos: Oh No no, WE WUN BACK OFF TIL JUSTICE IS SERVED! Are you Clear?
Saturday, July 7, 2007
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